Mass effect 1 best armor
Mass effect 1 best armor

Get The Best Equipmentīesides biotics to improve his defense, make it a goal to collect the best light armor out there. You should know that none of your teammates have any talents that revive fallen comrades, so Unity is a rare talent to have. If your squad dies often, consider upgrading the Specter Training talent too, since you can unlock Unity, a talent that lets you revive fallen teammates. The Adept can lose a lot of health when he gets hit by the enemy, so it’s necessary to build some defense on him by adding talent points to Shield Boost and Barrier. Shield Boost recharges them while Barrier increases how much you have. This means you will have to rely on Shield Boost and Barrier, two talents that improve his energy shields. Basic Armor is his specialty, so light armor is the way to go for the Adept. The Adept begins with very weak defense since he can only wear light armor.

Mass effect 1 best armor